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Fuel prices drop by Sh1 in Epra May review

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Pump prices have fallen by Sh1 per liter in the latest review which will be in effect until the 14th of next month.

The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (Epra) said on Tuesday evening that a liter of diesel fell to Sh179.18 from Sh180.38 while a liter of super petrol fell to Sh192.84 from Sh193.84 in the capital, Nairobi.

This marginal decline came as the shilling declined against the dollar to trade at 134.63 units compared to 133.54 units last month, while global prices of diesel, super gasoline and kerosene rose in the global market.

“In the period under review, the maximum permissible petroleum pump price for super petrol, diesel and kerosene decreased by Sh1 per litre, Sh1.20 per liter and Sh1.30 per litre, respectively,” Epra managing director Daniel Kipto said on Tuesday. evening.

The government had in the past used fuel subsidies to ease the pain of expensive fuel for Kenyans, but it halted the program last year due to budget disruptions.

Manufacturers, farmers and service providers take the cost of fuel into account when setting prices for their goods and services. Energy producers also take fuel costs into account in what is passed on to consumers through fuel cost surcharges.

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