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How time batching can help you get more done

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When I aspired to be a super blogger in the early 2010s, I remember all the girl heads talking about batch scheduling. Essentially, they’ll pick a day of the week to do like-minded tasks, like taking pictures on Tuesday; writing blog posts on wednesdays; and scheduling social media content on Fridays.

The theory made sense to me: Focusing on relevant tasks increases focus rather than bouncing mentally (and sometimes physically) from one task to the next. Because as we all know by now, multitasking is the kiss of death when it comes to productivity.

These days, the assembly scheduler is making a comeback under the name of assembly time. It works by increasing productivity and focus, while reducing the stress and pressure of multitasking.

Heres how to do it:

First, organize your tasks

The first step in becoming a master time-maker is to determine if the task is a deep task (one that requires a lot of focus) versus a shallow one (one that you can do quickly without thinking too much).

Next, group similar tasks together

From there, you’ll want to group related tasks together. In addition to reviewing the types of tasks, you’ll also want to consider when you do your best work. Are you a morning person, or does inspiration often come after the dreaded mid-afternoon slump? This will help determine which days you should schedule tasks.

Finally, create a schedule that works for you

In addition to the types of tasks you will be working on during any given day, it would be wise to include estimates for how long each task will take as well. Pro tip: everything always takes longer than you expect, so be sure to create a buffer as well and don’t forget to plan for breaks. Your body and mind will thank you.

If you want to max it out, try adding a spooky hour to your time-gathering schedule where you tackle the most important task, or “eat the frog” first. Tackling the most difficult or time-consuming task on your to-do list early in the day can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

If you want to try time-accumulation on a smaller scale, consider using another productivity hack, such as Pomodoro TechniqueWork in 25-minute intervals followed by a five-minute rest period to start.

Because our brains are forced to deal with tasks that we find enjoyable and avoid those that produce negative emotions, grouping similar tasks together can help refocus our attention and energy.

“This is because at a basic neuroscience level, we have a bias toward the present and prefer the immediate reward of feeling good when the brain releases the neurochemical dopamine,” Alicia Wolf, a neuroscientist and senior lecturer at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York, previously told luck. “Recognizing when you’re stressed and trying to reduce it by intentionally refocusing on a task, versus feelings of stress, anxiety, or unmotivation, is about retraining your stress coping approach and behaviors.”

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