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Metaverse bank robberies, Trump NFT biz prefers crypto over cash, and more

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stick! Bank robbery rehearsals in Metaverse

Bank of America is blending virtual reality and artificial intelligence to train new hires in everything from dealing with angry customers to bank robberies.

bloomberg mentioned On July 13, the bank’s 2,000 new employees undergo a week-long training regimen that involves slipping on a VR headset to practice responding to a variety of simulated situations.

The VR units include mundane situations such as helping an angry customer or performing a quiz on a customer who is asking for a large amount of cash, and extreme situations, such as a full-blown bank robbery.

Newcomers can also relax in virtual reality by riding a unicorn or sitting on an island.

An annoying virtual customer who BoA’s new employees have to calm down. Source: Bloomberg

AI is also deployed in training, where new employees practice speaking with a bot acting as a customer and are assisted through conversation by another AI bot.

Currently, more than 200,000 global BoA employees have been aware of the virtual training. The bank’s call centers also have an AI training bot to help carry out conversations with customers. Managers can also train more employees on bots.

Mike Winn, executive director of innovation and design at the BoA Academy, told Bloomberg that the training is useful because these scenarios are “hard to teach traditionally.”

“Virtual reality creates anxiety, it raises your heart rate. It makes you nervous.”

His metaverse is also being considered for use at job fairs in an effort to entice a younger audience for a captivating career in banking by having them practically live off the drum of a fellow banker.

Donald Trump’s NFT company chooses to hold on-chain funds

The non-fungible token (NFT) licensing firm of former US President Donald Trump appears to be choosing to keep its funds on Ethereum, with recently updated disclosures showing close to nothing in its bank account.

Trump’s update disclosures to the Office of Government Ethics made public on July 13 provided more detail about his finances and business dealings — a legal requirement since he’s once again made a bid for the presidency.

CIC Digital, the company that earns revenue from licensing fees for Trump-like NFT pools, has a US bank account with less than $1,000 in balance.

Meanwhile, the company’s Ethereum portfolio holds between $250,000 and $500,000.

In an earlier disclosure in April, Trump said he secured between $500,000 to $1 million in NFT licensing deals.

Trump’s new bid for president legally requires him to file a “personal financial disclosure” that could be broad in nature, but it’s unclear why he updated his financial disclosures to be more specific.

Two rounds of Trump-themed NFT kits of which the most recent, released in April, sold out on the first day.

Siemens’ $560,000 metaverse campus will be built first

German tech giant Siemens has committed to building a new $560,000 (€500m) technology campus near Nuremberg, Germany, but it will make its digital debut in the metaverse.

On July 13 Siemens He said It is spending $1.1 billion (€1 billion) in investment to create an “industrial metaverse scheme” in the country. Half of that money will go to the campus with the goal of making it a center for what he calls an industrial metaverse — a digital recreation of websites used for troubleshooting and analytics.

The campus will be built just north of Nuremberg and before construction begins, the buildings will be mapped and simulated in the metaverse, then copied in the real world, according to Siemens.

A digital replica will allow the layout to be improved and modified before any ground is broken. The campus will be located next to its existing factory that manufactures electronic components.

The funding is part of the company’s $2.2 billion (€2 billion) investment plan announced last month that aims to build new company education centers and regional centres.

Puma NFTs sneakers let you listen to music tracks while on the track

Sneaker company Puma, NFT subsidiary Legitimate, and rapper Jay-Z’s entertainment agency Roc Nation have teamed up for a line of sneakers combined with NFTs.

The group dubbed “The Evolution of the Mixtape” were released July 14 It features three models of sneakers called “Disc,” “Cassette,” and “Playlist.”

The left shoe tongue features an NFC chip that can be tapped with a phone to grant access to an exclusive portal featuring unreleased music by Roc Nation artists, video content, and a documentary.

Related: ZachXBT research cited in a class action lawsuit to haul Canadian NFTs

the shoes Priced At $130 a pair, their NFC tags can be attached to an NFT that authenticates the real product.

“phygital” streetwear is proving popular, and in June French luxury brand Dior shipped a new line of sneakers with one pair that came with a “digital twin” — an NFT.

More neat news:

NFT Dapper Labs conducted its third round of layoffs in nine months on July 13 leaving 51 full-time employees and contractors, which is about 12% of the company’s staff. In November last year and February 2023, it cut staff by 22% and 20%, respectively.

An NFT collector shared how they obtained a $35,000 Decentralized Finance (DeFi) loan by offering a luxury Patek Phillipe watch as collateral which was then transferred to an NFT to grant ownership of the watch to secure the transaction.

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