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More Samourai Devices Seized: Bitcoin Privacy Activist Appears In Court Ahead of Bail Release

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Today marked the first public hearing of the court at the US Department of Justice. Case Against Samurai Wallet Developers William Lonergan Hill and Keyon Rodriguez since May 28, 2024, when Rodriguez appeared in court for the first hearing in the case.

Hill appeared in court after being extradited without a plea from Lisbon, Portugal, where he currently resides.

The Public Prosecution had the lion’s share of the talk in the session.

She shared the following information:

  • Hill was indicted the day before, on July 9, 2024.
  • 27 electronic devices from Hill were seized in Portugal.
  • This will lead to Hill’s discovery once the FBI extracts and reviews the information on the devices in question.
  • This has already led to the discovery of Rodriguez, Hill’s former partner in Samurai and a co-defendant in the case.
  • Hill will be released on bail, though the amount of bail has not been disclosed.

The main point made by the defense, consisting of attorneys Roger Burlingame and Jeffrey Brown, at the hearing was that Hill waived his right to extradition before he was tried on the extradition charge.

Basic conditions for Hills guarantee

The first prerequisite for Hill’s release is that he be allowed to live in Lisbon, Portugal while the case proceeds. Burlingame requested this in a letter to the court. letter He filed his motion with the court on July 3, 2024. Hill will have to return to New York when he is due to appear in court.

The second major provision of Hill’s bail is that he must wear an ankle bracelet while in Portugal on bail. Prosecutors have indicated that the FBI will monitor the ankle bracelet in a discussion between prosecutors and the defense after the formal hearing is over.

Next session

The case will continue on September 10, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. ET, and has been adjourned from September 4, 2024.

The prosecution said it plans to present evidence by the next court date.

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