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New report highlights the importance of recognition in workforces

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Boostworks, a leading provider of employee reward, recognition, benefits and wellness solutions, has released the findings of its latest research paper: The Heart of Workplace Engagement.

It is important to note that the study revealed that 70% of employees stress the importance of appreciation, but less than half of them (42%) reported receiving regular appreciation from their executives.

Highlighting the pivotal role emotional connections play in fostering an engaged and productive workforce, the research – which surveyed 3,000 HR professionals, business leaders and employees across the UK – took an in-depth look at the role of employer recognition. It emphasises the particular importance of managers and peers and how they are the ‘unsung heroes’ of recognising employee achievements and progress. Receiving recognition from managers was cited as pivotal, impacting morale and engagement for 51% of employees.

“In today’s dynamic workplace, fostering a thriving culture must go beyond words,” said Andy Caldecott, CEO of Boostworks. “It requires embedding emotional connections and personal appreciation into employees’ daily experiences.

“Our research shows a significant discrepancy between employees’ needs for recognition and what they are actually receiving, highlighting a significant gap in leadership practices where employees’ emotional and professional needs are not being fully met.”

Digging deeper into the report confirms what the most successful leaders have been saying for some time.

Romantic relationships are important:

  • 70% of employees stressed the importance of emotional connections, highlighting empathy as a key part of the appreciation process.
  • Unfortunately, less than half of employees (42%) reported receiving regular recognition from their CEO.
  • 81% of HR professionals agree with the need for emotional connections, with an emphasis on direct manager feedback and peer appreciation.
  • 76% of business leaders acknowledged challenges in aligning these practices with business goals due to traditional compensation strategies.

Beware the pit Beware the pit:

  • Nearly 70% of employees and 81% of HR professionals believe emotional connections are important at work.
  • However, only 42% of employees feel appreciated by their CEOs.
  • 51% of employees indicated that receiving recognition from managers is pivotal, as it impacts morale and engagement.
  • Peer recognition was also highly valued – 55% of employees acknowledged work achievements, and 59% acknowledged personal achievements.
  • However, half of employees surveyed (50%) agree that senior managers receive more appreciation than their lower-level counterparts.

Unsung Heroes: Executives and Colleagues:

  • 51% of employees believe that direct recognition from managers has a positive impact on their morale and engagement.
  • 53% agreed that their direct managers regularly recognized work achievements, while 51% recognized their personal achievements.
  • Coworkers also play a role in recognition, with 55% acknowledging work accomplishments and 59% acknowledging personal accomplishments.
  • Managers need adequate support; 48% of employees believe they should share information about available rewards and benefits on a regular basis.

Communication and transparency:

  • While 76% of senior executives view communication as open, only 51% of employees share the same view.
  • A significant percentage of employees (25%) said they would like to receive more frequent updates on rewards and recognition. Meanwhile, 40% of HR professionals and 39% of senior executives agreed that rewards should be communicated every two to three months, although 38% believe it should be monthly or more often.

Support, communication, and appreciation—these are all the foundations of kindness on a basic human level. Amid all the data collection, growth targets, and sales goals, these are often the first things to get lost. Yet the evidence is clear: communication and appreciation are the keys to a happy, fulfilling workplace. And accomplishment is key to people’s pride and work ethic—so why would someone work harder if their results aren’t recognized on a regular basis? They’ll leave and go where they are.

Turnover and subsequent hire costs are some of the highest costs of employment in companies, and having a “recognition strategy” in the workplace is essential, and here’s the caveat: it has to be real. Simply naming someone Employee of the Month is not enough to motivate a workforce. Purpose and incentives with greater team recognition as a whole as well as individual praise are essential. This goes beyond good management and communication skills with regular check-ins and a safe space for employees to unload and resolve any issues.

“The narrative here is clear – the journey toward a thriving workplace culture is a collective endeavor, and it requires a strategic approach to aligning appreciation practices with the overall aspirations of all employees,” Caldecott concludes.

“Companies need to prioritize emotional connections and recognize the unsung heroes—executives and peers. By fostering a culture of recognition and setting the tone for better, more transparent communications, organizations can boost engagement, satisfaction, and most importantly, employee retention.”

Martin’s Cherry

Cherie is an associate editor at Business Matters, responsible for planning and writing future articles, interviews and more in-depth pieces for what is now the UK’s largest print and online source of current business news.

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