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Ordinals Is Bringing The NFT Industry To Bitcoin

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The Ordinals Protocol has revolutionized the Bitcoin world. The new protocol collects more than 9,000,000 patterns quickly, and allows arbitrary data to be included in the Bitcoin blockchain. In addition to drawing attention from the NFT industry, Ordinals has dramatically increased the fees required to send bitcoins, sparking a new debate about how Bitcoin should handle higher fee environments.

In a recent interview with Bitcoin Magazine, Farrukh, founder of the Rug Radio platform and a well-known collector in the NFT industry, shared his insights into the world of Bitcoin NFTs and his vision for the future of the Bitcoin recording market. Reflecting on his Bitcoin and NFT journey, Farrokh acknowledged the initial confusion surrounding Bitcoin in 2012, due to the lack of development and user-friendly platforms at the time. However, it did highlight the rapid growth and development of NFT platforms in 2021, and how that is now reflected in the context of the sudden rise in popularity of Bitcoin NFTs.

When discussing the advantages of The Ordinals, Farokh emphasized the security aspect of storing art on the Bitcoin blockchain, saying, “The Ordinals are now able to store art on the most secure blockchain in the world, without keeping that data in external databases where it could be vulnerable to tampering.” . He outlines this as The Ordinals’ biggest benefit over NFTs on other, less secure blockchains, while recognizing the need for immutable, censorship-resistant storage solutions.

Regarding the future of Bitcoin NFTs, Farrokh expressed optimism. He also acknowledged the current challenges, such as high costs and the need for infrastructure development, but believes that with the continued growth of the Bitcoin ecosystem, improved solutions will emerge.

Farokh also discussed the entry of luxury brands into the Bitcoin NFT space, mentioning the collaboration between Aspire and Bugatti. He was curious about high-end brands embracing ordinal and taking advantage of the security and authenticity offered by the Bitcoin blockchain.

When asked about the reaction of projects moving to Bitcoin NFTs, Farrokh noted the generally positive response. He drew parallels to the early days of NFTs, where suspicions were common but eventually proven wrong. He also highlighted the positive reception to projects like Yuga Labs’ TwelveFold, noting that acceptance of Bitcoin NFTs is gradually gaining momentum.

Looking to the future, Farrokh envisioned a mature Bitcoin NFT market with user-friendly platforms accessible to retail users. Note, “Look how far the (NFT) market has evolved… At first, creating a wallet was complicated. Now we have decent markets.” Farokh’s optimistic outlook suggested a future in which the Bitcoin NFT market becomes more widespread and user-friendly, eventually leading to more adoption.

Overall, Farokh’s interview highlighted the growing importance of Bitcoin NFTs, their unique advantages, and the evolving landscape of the Ordinals protocol.

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