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SHINOBI: Gaza is the most powerful demonstration of bitcoin since Wikileaks


BTC for Palestine It is the perfect example of a Bitcoin-backed endeavor that hits straight at the heart of what Bitcoin is supposed to be about. Money works without reliable intermediaries. The whole point of Bitcoin was to give people a way to transact with their money that no one could disrupt, insert themselves into, or ask for rent from.

This is exactly the situation in which Gazans have found themselves over the past year. Completely isolated from the rest of the world, unable to make any form of cashless payment without relying on these rent-seekers who have inserted themselves into the middle of every digital payment processed globally. The difference between them and the average Western citizen is that they depend on aid simply to survive and meet basic necessities. They don’t feel annoyed or inconvenienced by inappropriate service or annoying fees.

These people are being slaughtered as if they were game animals locked in a pen, it is literally systematic genocide. They are completely cut off from traditional payment methods to accept donations in exchange for food, water and other necessities. Even aid from the United Nations is being seized and disrupted. Bitcoin is literally the only option for people who want to donate money to help people in Gaza who have nothing.

This is one of the most important pieces of evidence of Bitcoin’s importance in the world since WikiLeaks first began accepting it 13 years ago in 2011 in response to the banking and payments processing brigade against them.

At the time it was a direct battle over the ability to use information to hold the government accountable for its actions and deception. Now it’s about helping people who suffer directly from the actions of those governments that continue to avoid accountability.

Youssef Mahmoud, a taxi driver before the genocide began, was able to help buy food and water for thousands of needy people in Gaza who had received nothing over the past year because of Bitcoin. One man, with the ability to accept financial aid from all over the world that no one can stop or disrupt, has made such a huge difference in the lives of thousands of people.

This is the purpose of Bitcoin, as it acts as a tool that enables us to stand up to what governments and institutions impose on us without their ability to stop that tool from working. It is not just a new asset class, or a Wall Street game, but a basis for revolutionary self-organization to solve problems that governments cannot find or create themselves.

It’s for us, not them.

You can donate here To help the people of Gaza.

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