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Weekly Market Outlook (27-31 May)

Upcoming events:Monday: UK/US Holidays, German IFO.Tuesday: Australian retail sales, Canadian producer price index, US consumer confidence.Wednesday: Australia Monthly Consumer Price Index, Fed Beige Book.Thursday: Swiss GDP, Eurozone…

Weekly Market Outlook (20-24 May)

Upcoming events:Monday: People's Bank of China LPR, Waller Federal Reserve Bank.Tuesday: Reserve Bank of Australia meeting minutes, Canadian Consumer Price Index.Wednesday: Reserve Bank of New Zealand policy decision, UK CPI, FOMC…

Weekly Market Outlook (13-17 May)

Upcoming events:Monday: New Zealand Services Purchasing Managers' Index.Tuesday: Japanese Producer Price Index, UK Labor Market Report, Eurozone ZEW, US NFIB Small Business Optimism Index, US Producer Price Index, Fed Chairman…

The Weekly Re-Org: War Of Attrition

Remember that movie where Sandra Bullock crosses the entire country blindfolded because climaxing abroad means you face certain death? This must be what it feels like to build anything with Bitcoin now. Everyone is moving blind. The US…