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The Bitcoin Standard Author Saifedean Ammous Joins El Salvador’s National Bitcoin Office As Economic Advisor

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Dr. Seifeddine Ammous, prominent economist and author of “The Bitcoin Standard,” is preparing to take on a new role as economic advisor to the El Salvador-based Bitcoin Bureau. The appointment comes after El Salvador made history by becoming the first country to adopt bitcoin as legal tender in September 2021.

“Having Sevidan Amos on the El Salvador team is fantastic,” Max Keizer, the country’s chief bitcoin advisor, said in a statement to Bitcoin Magazine. “Ammous has brilliantly captured Bitcoin’s role as the ‘alternative to central banking’ in his classic book ‘The Bitcoin Standard’ as well as the Bitcoin philosophy including promoting the idea of ​​‘time preference’ as a life hack. This news makes me very happy.”

Known for his expertise in bitcoin and monetary economics, Amos is expected to provide valuable guidance and insights to the bitcoin office as it navigates the implementation and integration of bitcoin into the country’s economy. His extensive knowledge and research on this topic has earned him recognition within and outside the community.

The Bitcoin Law, proposed by El Salvador’s President Neb Bukele and approved by the legislature, paved the way for a new era in the country’s financial landscape. With Amos joining as an economic advisor, El Salvador aims to leverage his expertise to maximize the benefits and address potential challenges associated with the adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender.

The Bitcoin Office, which was created to oversee the implementation of the Bitcoin Act, is likely to benefit from Ammous’ insights on monetary policy, sound money principles, and the potential economic implications of adopting a decentralized digital currency. His appointment signals El Salvador’s commitment to incorporating expert opinions into their strategy and decision-making process.

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