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This is Milk hires fresh talent with 15 new jobs as growth continues

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Glasgow-based agency This is Milk, founded by entrepreneur Angela Printner-Smith, has announced rapid growth and restructuring of its team.

In less than 12 months, This is Milk has more than doubled the size of its team from a core body of 11 to 26 members, 17 permanent, and nine advisors.

This rapid growth has occurred over the past eight months to accommodate This Is Milk’s Focus in a technology company.

This is Milk is currently seeking a £1 million investment for its ‘neurodiversity-first’ online learning platform, Neve Learning. Investors will receive a stake in This is Milk, which has doubled its annual turnover in each of the past three years.

Prentner-Smith and her colleague, Chief Technology Officer Piotr Zieliński were recently honored by the BIMA 100 which celebrates the UK’s most influential people in digital and technology.

Angela Printner-Smith said: “As the company grows and its structure changes, This is Milk continues to maintain a flat structure that helps keep the workplace psychologically safe and inclusive.

“This structure maintains improved communication, flexibility and agility, and empowers the team by giving them more responsibility and autonomy that fosters a sense of ownership and accountability, driving innovation.”

The growth and restructuring will help support the marketing of Neve Learning, as they begin to house a group of early adopters.

Neve Learning is a cloud-based Ed-Tech platform designed to help training providers and organizations manage and deliver learning in a more holistic way, while embracing the reality that everyone’s brain works differently, and aligned with a future-focused education framework.

It is built to accommodate the needs of all learners through its accessible features and design that acknowledges differences in learning styles. This includes supporting neurological characteristics such as dyslexia, dyslexia, autism or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Angela Printner-Smith said: “We needed to create opportunities for growth by realigning the organization to focus on Neve Learning as a core part of the business.

“Creating a strong and supportive work environment where colleagues can build on their strengths while still supporting others and leading in their areas of expertise is something we are passionate about.”

“As we are experiencing exponential growth and with excitement around developing Neve Learning growing at such a rapid rate, expanding our team is proving beneficial,” said David Scott, Commercial Director at This is Milk.

This is Milk continues to deliver award-winning core services such as business transformation, service design, and digital strategy. They have recently launched a Psychology security indexing service which has been warmly received by many of their global clients.

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