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UJA-Federation NY, Microsoft Israel help Majdal Shams


The New York Jewish Community Federation donated funds to two hospitals in Nazareth and to the local council in Majdal Shams.

The New York Jewish Community Federation has donated NIS 6 million to St. Vincent de Paul Hospital (French Hospital) and EMS Nazareth Hospital (English Hospital) in Nazareth, to establish a resilience center and provide support to Arabic-speaking children in northern Israel. In addition, NIS 600,000 will be allocated to the Majdal Shams Local Council, as part of the New York Jewish Community Federation’s support for the north. Last Saturday, the Druze town of Majdal Shams was hit by a Hezbollah rocket fired from Lebanon, killing twelve children in a playground.

Separately, Microsoft Israel and its employees donated NIS 250,000 to support the families of the victims in Majdal Shams. “The sight of the children and young people who were killed in Majdal Shams yesterday being buried this morning is heartbreaking, and the mind simply refuses to believe the cruel images of small coffins. It is unfathomable,” said Michal Braverman-Blumenstein, managing director of Microsoft’s Israel R&D center and technical director of Microsoft’s security division, on Sunday.

“Supporting the Majdal Shams community is a moral duty for us,” she added. “These innocent children, who just wanted to play soccer, are part of us. Their families are part of us. It is always important, and especially today, to stand by them. I have no doubt that other organizations and many people across Israel will join us and take action to help them.”

This article was published in Globes, Israeli Business News – – on August 1, 2024.

© Copyright Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.

From right to left: United Jewish Federation of New York CEO Eric Goldstein, United Jewish Federation of New York Israel Director Itzik Shmuli, Sheikh Muwafaq Tarif. Photo: Eliana Neustadt

From right to left: United Jewish Federation of New York CEO Eric Goldstein, United Jewish Federation of New York Israel Director Itzik Shmuli, Sheikh Muwafaq Tarif. Photo: Eliana Neustadt

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