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US August ISM manufacturing PMI 47.6 vs 47.0 expected

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ISM manufacturing

  • Prior report 46.4
  • Prices paid 48.4 vs 43.9 expected. Last month 42.6
  • Employment 48.5 vs 44.2 expected. Last month 44.4
  • New orders 46.8 vs 47.3 prior

Manufacturing has been in a recession for some time but there are some green shoots. I suspect this survey is going to be a mess for the next few months because it looks like an autoworkers strike is coming.

Bonds are selling off on this report, in part because of the jump in prices paid. I don’t think that should have been a surprise given energy prices.

Comments in the ISM report:

  • “Further reductions in customer orders due to the economic situation
    and also their working down of own inventories. Backlog is dwindling,
    but still showing robust revenue.” (Computer & Electronic Products)
  • “Demand still weak. Customer inventories are getting depleted;
    however, we are not seeing a real uptick in demand. General supply
    conditions are softening.” (Chemical Products)
  • “Still seeing a slowdown in orders. We’re continuing to ship to max
    capacity, with supply constraints still a real part of our day-to-day
    business operations.” (Transportation Equipment)
  • “Customer orders have softened. This is likely due to customers’
    increased confidence in the supply chain, (which) has them reducing
    their inventories.
    Customers are also being pinched with higher interest
    rates. Additionally, consumers are feeling their purchasing power
    eroded by stubbornly high inflation, so they are purchasing less.”
    (Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products)
  • “Fourth quarter orders falling short of projection and indicating a
    slowdown in customer demand, though the first quarter forecast remains
    solid. Unclear if this is an inventory correction. Logistics stabilized
    and costs are matching 2019. Shortages limited to only a few items now,
    but suppliers are hesitant to add or replace labor needed in light of
    slowing demand.” (Fabricated Metal Products)
  • “General slowdown in business at the end of the third quarter. For
    capital equipment additions, our customers are buying only what they
    need for specific jobs and not adding any capital fleet material for
    potential future work.” (Machinery)
  • “There is additional softening in the market. Customers are hesitant
    to provide extended forecasts with today’s economic uncertainty.”
    (Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components)
  • “Business continues to remain strong with sales and profits both
    ahead of plan. The bookings were below what we planned, but that was
    expected due to fewer working days and summer vacations.” (Miscellaneous
  • “The manufacturing sector continues to be slow, and the low market
    prices make it difficult to stay profitable. On the positive side,
    laborers are showing enthusiastic employment interest
    . Rising energy and
    fuel prices are of concern to our company.” (Paper Products)
  • “Business is beginning to improve moderately. Still well below 2022
    levels, but it appears that the ‘great inventory rebalancing’ is finally
    coming to fruition
    .” (Plastics & Rubber Products)
  • “Automotive volume remains strong in preparation for the United Auto
    Workers’ potential strike at Ford, General Motors and Stellantis.
    Contingency plans in place for sub-tiers. Continue to have issues
    recruiting general labor employees. Operational efficiency suffering due
    to a lack of human resources. Order book remains strong and ahead of
    2022.” (Primary Metals)
  • “(The Federal Reserve’s) actions to increase borrowing costs has
    dampened demand for residential investment. Recently, this slowdown
    plateaued somewhat, with demand stabilizing. The outlook for 2024
    remains uncertain, and we continue to be cautious about building
    .” (Wood Products)

The inventories metric is an interesting one as it makes new lows:

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