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Adnams Brewery joins EY & Rolls Royce in exodus from CBI after misconduct allegations


Adnams Brewery is in discussions about leaving the CBI after a series of sexual misconduct allegations broke.

Chief executive Andy Wood told BBC Radio 4 that his company was in talks about withdrawing from the trade body.

It follows a group of corporate members, including EY and Rolls Royce, who pay large fees to the Membership Authority to express their concerns about the allegations.
Wood told the Today programme: “It takes decades to build a reputation and moments to destroy it, and the CBI needs to move this forward and settle it quickly, restoring our trust and confidence in the organisation.

“I would say if there is any glimmer of truth in this, I think I can speak for all members that such behavior is completely unacceptable and has no place in the workplace.”

Asked if the CBI’s “old enemies” would take advantage of the situation, Wood said: “I think it’s right that the government has stopped contacts with it for the time being. I think it’s right that the CBI should suspend communications and events.”

“I hope it will not be political, and I hope it will give the organization time to put its house in order and restore its reputation, and to build up the trust and confidence of its members.”

He added that he would need to see the outcome of the investigation before making any decision.

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