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Blockchain can free us from the nightmares of online surveillance

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Disclosure: The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and do not represent the views and opinions of editorial.

These days, the Internet has become our second home. It's where we communicate, work, shop and socialize. But beneath the surface lies an uncomfortable truth: We are being watched. Online surveillance has grown into an unprecedented force, violating our privacy and invading every aspect of our lives. I believe blockchain technology holds the key to restoring our digital freedom.

Online surveillance is nothing new. In the early 2000s, with the advent of social media and the explosive growth in Internet use, governments and businesses viewed the Internet as a data goldmine. From social media platforms to search engines, almost every online service has started collecting every bit of information they can get their hands on. No one was asked if they wanted to share their personal lives with Google, and no one told them that Amazon would know everything about them.

For many people, 2013 was probably the first time they ever thought about the concept of online surveillance, when Edward Snowden Exposed to Government surveillance programs that allowed the United States government to essentially spy on its own citizens. This has been a shocking development for public consciousness, but the sad truth is that it has done very little to slow the decline of online freedom. Today, the surveillance landscape is more complex and pervasive than ever before, with advances in artificial intelligence and big data analytics enabling unprecedented levels of surveillance.

Much of almost every Internet company's business model has come to rely on data collection and targeted advertising. By collecting detailed information about users' behaviours, preferences and interactions, these companies can create highly personalized advertising experiences, increasing their profits at the expense of user privacy. They don't ask for it either, at least not unless they have to, they simply take what they want and use it in whatever way makes the most money for them.

On the other hand, governments justify surveillance under the guise of national security and crime prevention. Clearly, protecting citizens is a legitimate concern, and there is a delicate balance between security and privacy, and this balance is tipped dangerously toward the former. Laws like the United States Patriot Act And recently in the United Kingdom Internet safety law Governments have been granted sweeping powers to monitor online activities with little interest in oversight or transparency.

Unfortunately, it doesn't end there either; The technological infrastructure of the Internet itself has inherent design limitations that facilitate surveillance. Centralized servers, which store vast amounts of user data, are prime targets for anyone seeking to access and exploit personal information. Just think about the sheer number of data breaches you hear about in the news. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center, there were 3,205 statements Violations Last year alone, potentially impacting over 350 million users.

In this context, blockchain technology stands out as a beacon of hope. On the surface this may seem counter-intuitive. An immutable public ledger kind of goes against the idea of ​​privacy, doesn't it? But where blockchain shines is in its ability to create permissionless incentive mechanisms. These mechanisms allow networks of decentralized nodes to perform services such as routing, storage, and computation.

This potential to protect privacy is particularly evident in the world of messaging apps. Traditional messaging platforms often rely on centralized servers to store and transmit messages, making them vulnerable to hacking, data breaches, and government surveillance.

On the other hand, we have web3 applications like Session that leverage blockchain technology to fight surveillance through decentralization. Networks of community-run nodes handle all the routing and storing of messages, which is why they are rewarded with the network's native cryptocurrency.

Trust is a bit of a dirty word in privacy. Centralized networks operate on a trust model where one entity has control and authority over the network. This requires network users to place their trust in this entity to act responsibly. And let's be honest: the companies that run the services we all depend on have done nothing to earn this trust.

Decentralized networks eliminate the need for trust completely by ensuring that no single entity holds overarching authority. Security and privacy are enhanced by ensuring that the entire network remains secure and operational even if some nodes are compromised. This model eliminates single points of failure, promoting a trustless environment where the system design and incentives maintain security and reliability without requiring users to trust any single entity.

This promise for the future extends beyond messaging apps. It is a key component of web3, a reimagining of the Internet, which envisions a decentralized, user-centered digital ecosystem. Web3 aims to dismantle the centralized power structures that have enabled widespread surveillance and put power back into the hands of the people.

In this new model, closer to the original vision of the Internet, individuals can own and manage their data, deciding who is allowed to access it and for what purposes. Decentralized applications will replace traditional services, providing greater transparency and security. Smart contracts will automate transactions and execute agreements without the need for intermediaries, reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.

I am confident that the Internet can become the bastion of freedom and privacy that it was always meant to be, where users can interact without fear of being monitored or exploited. Blockchain technology is not a panacea, but it is a crucial tool in the fight against online surveillance. By embracing decentralization, we can create a digital world that respects our fundamental rights and empowers individuals.

Combating online surveillance is one of the defining challenges of our time. As we navigate the complexities of the digital age, it is essential that we prioritize privacy and take decisive action to protect our freedoms online. Decentralization offers a way forward, enabling us to build a safer, more private, and more equitable Internet.

K Jefferies

K Jeffries It is the CTO of Session, an encrypted messaging app that minimizes the collection of user metadata. Kee has been involved in several technology projects, specializing in decentralized networks and blockchain technology. He co-authored the Oxen whitepaper as well as the session whitepaper, and has served as technical lead for both projects since 2018. Oxen is a proof-of-stake privacy coin with a unique layer 2 infrastructure capable of supporting both the private and personal sectors. Decentralized applications. Kee is an active and involved member of the privacy technology community, regularly attending conferences and meetups centered around privacy protection, the fight for encryption, and ethical data.

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