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Business development to bottom line: Turning effort into results!


Let’s say… you’re a business leader who has done your best to empower your team to fly the flag for your company with absolute confidence and clarity about your brand and what it stands for.

This means that you have successfully created a culture in which your vision, purpose, and core values ​​are deeply ingrained and understood, and aligned with every decision made and action taken. Employees are aware of the long-term business goals and feel knowledgeable about the type of clients and projects you are striving to attract.

As a result, your team masters this business development task and helps position your company so you can better target the business you want to win. Real opportunities are coming your way…

Now what?

How can you give yourself the best possible chance of converting that immediate opportunity, whether it’s an introductory face-to-face meeting with a new client, a chance to pitch a proposal or actively pitch your work for your dream project?

Let’s think about steps you can take today to help fill that pipeline for 2025.

The devil is in the details

First things first, is the brief clear? Do you really understand what the customer is asking? If there are any gray areas, make sure you get clarity now and clear up any ambiguity before the meeting or deadline. It’s also the perfect opportunity to prove early on that you’re enthusiastic, knowledgeable and dependable.

For example, if a customer tells you they’re interested in a particular aspect of your organization, make sure you lead them on that. If you are making a presentation or preparing for a presentation and the client has set specific criteria, respond accordingly. Don’t assume you know what the prospect needs better than they do at this stage. You may want to include other ideas but focus on the basic requirement first. Failure to comply will do you no favors when your answers are weighted in the competitive bidding process!

Do your homework!

You need to understand who your customer is, the work they do, their values, their culture, what motivates them… or the issues that cause them sleepless nights. Ultimately, what do they care about most and how can you prove that you align with them and can add real value to their business or project.

If it’s a face-to-face meeting or pitching opportunity, find out who will be present in the room so you can tailor your messaging to those making or influencing the decision. For example, if the CFO is involved in the presentation, you should make sure to show value for money, etc.

Consider the following:

  • What are the main challenges and what solutions do you recommend?
  • Can you demonstrate that you are best placed to provide these solutions? (The evidence is there – case studies, testimonials, quantifiable facts and figures)
  • Who are the right people to seize/participate in the opportunity presented by you and why?
  • Do you have the right resources?
  • How will you approach the job and where will you start?
  • Do as much background reading/online research/fact-finding/site visiting as possible to show that you know what you’re talking about and have taken the time to understand the scenario
  • Look at the industry, market competitors, physical locations if relevant and any current/historical issues that may have implications
  • Bonus marks if you can identify a problem the customer hasn’t mentioned yet and provide a logical way to fix it!

Less is more…

We’ve all seen huge proposals and we’ve all sat through presentations that put you into snooze mode faster than warm milk at bedtime. As Mark Twain said (or as several others have claimed), “If I had had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.” Honestly, it may take longer to make your collateral shorter, but getting to the point succinctly is key so you don’t lose your audience.

Craft an ambitious, value-led story that tells a demonstrable story of how you will meet and exceed all customer needs. Focus on the main points and capture them well:

  • Attract attention with engaging, relevant and clear images. No ambiguous unread tables allowed!
  • Check out the narrative – only the main points
  • Proof points, where have you done this before – and what were the results?
  • If the proposal is in writing – avoid technical jargon
  • If it’s in person – practice, make eye contact, engage with your audience, and of course, aim to wow them with your amazing energy and expertise!

Practice, but be authentic

When approaching a new business opportunity — whether it’s a meeting, a presentation, or the like — it’s important that your team fully understands the opportunity, the company’s strategy for transforming it, and their specific roles in the process.

Many teams stumble at the finish line, even with their best members, because they fail to properly inform everyone. This often results in a senior leader doing all the talking or team members saying the wrong things due to a lack of preparation.

Anticipating potentially difficult questions during meetings or presentations is essential. Being prepared with thoughtful answers helps you avoid tripping over decision-makers and removes any doubts about your abilities.

If you’re giving a presentation, be sure to allow time for questions at the end, and invite your audience to share any further questions they may have.

After the meeting, follow up with a thank you note, send a digital copy of your presentation, and reiterate your enthusiasm and willingness for the project or collaboration.

Final thoughts

Successfully defining and converting work starts with ensuring that your business development interactions lead to tangible results and, ultimately, paid work.

Building relationships takes time, and it’s normal to not get perfect results right away. Remember that every experience holds valuable lessons. Accept feedback, learn from it and improve the process, content or delivery for the future.

In the words of Winston Churchill: “Success is not final, nor is failure fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Rhonda Curless

Rhonda Curless is the co-founder and co-CEO of Gray Lemon. Founded in 2020 with co-founder Victoria Firth, Gray Lemon has helped strengthen numerous companies by working with CEOs, owners and senior leadership teams. Their strategic, comprehensive input and direct approach have seen these companies transform and thrive – tripling their profits, growing internationally, doubling their business gains, and mitigating risks. Rhonda has previously held director, board and executive positions in international and UK companies, brings a wealth of experience and is also the first female president in the history of The Nero Club, which was established over 50 years ago for leaders of the London property industry. She is a trained mediator, mentor and advisor to a number of charitable organizations in the real estate and construction sector.

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