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Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc: Appointments of Stefan Buys and Lesley Goldwasser as Non-Executive Directors


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ST Helier, Jersey, February 14, 2025 (Globe Newswire) – Cledonia Mining Corporation PLC (“Caledonia” or “The Companyy”) (Nyse America, AIM and VFEX: CMCL) I am pleased to announce the appointments of Stefan Bayes and Lezli Goldiras on the company's board of directors (the council) as independent non -executive managers, actually today.

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Johann Holtzazten, who has served in the Board of Directors since 2013, has retired from the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Audit Committee that is in effect from the next annual general meeting of shareholders that are scheduled to be held in early May 2025, and whose details will be provided in time (” Ordinary General Assembly (). Mrs. Tiro Gadzikua, independent, non -executive director of the Council with financial experience and qualifications, will take over from Johan as Chairman of the Audit Committee as of AGM.

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Stephen buy

Mr. Buys brings more than 30 years of leadership experience in the global mining sectors and heavy industry, with a busy record via copper, gold, iron ore, uranium, corner, and platinum in southern and western Africa, Canada, Australia, and South America.

Recently, Stefan held the position of CEO of the Arcelormitt mining department. Before that, I iron mining from Rio Tinto in Western Australia as an administrative director. His career also includes executive roles in BHP, as he was the head of the assets of the Olympic Director and the project manager for a global unification initiative. Earlier in his career, he spent more than a decade with Xstrata, as he rose from the production engineer in their superpowers in South Africa to the chief operational employee in North Chile.

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Mineral Engineering, and it is a certificate towards the company from the UK's Manager Institute, a member of the UK's Manager Institute.

Leslie Goldasser

Mrs. Goldwasser is a financial executive official with extensive experience in global capital markets and organized financing. Currently works as a partner in Greensldge, a global bank to invest in a boutique providing services in capital collection, integration, acquisitions and asset management. Leslie also works as a participant in Co-CEO and the founder of Greenldge Korea.

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Its previous leadership roles include the administrative director of Credit Suisse, where she was the head of securities -backed by assets and international hedge services, and the institution participating in debt debt and capital markets in Bear Stearns. MS Goldwasser also brings great experience in the board of directors, where he held the position of the main independent director of TipTree Inc. And an independent manager in the wireless and wireless liquid. She previously worked as the main independent director of Flagstar Bancorp.

In addition to her career in companies, she is committed to community development in Zimbabwe, where she participated in the establishment of the Zara Center-the post-school program that provides nutrition, vocational education, and computer education for vulnerable children.

Leslie was born and raised in Paulio, Zimbabwe and graduated from the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

John Kelly, Chairman of the Caldonia Board:

We are pleased to welcome Stephen and Lazley in the painting. Stephen's deep experience in large -scale mining operations and background in metal engineering will be important additions to council skills groups. It has a clear record of strategic leadership along with safety and environment commitment. Leslie has a wide range of implementation and leadership in global capital markets. Her experience with a wide range of financing mechanisms and institutional investors will be invaluable as we continue to implement our growth strategy.

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On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would also like to make our gratitude to Johan for his vision, leadership and invaluable contributions through his long and dedicated service in the board of directors and Chairman of the Audit Committee. We wish him success in his future efforts. “


Cledonia Mining Corporation PLC
Mark Lermond
Camilla Horsal
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Cavendish Capital Markets Limited (Nomad and Combor Broker)
Adrian was
Pearl Kelly
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Panmure Liberum (Joint Broker)
Scott Mathson/ Alassa McMaster
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Camarto, Financial Public Relations (UK)
To Gordon
Elvi Kent
Fergus Young
Phone: +44 20 3757 4980
3ppb (Financial Relations, North America)
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Paul Durham
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Phone: +1 203 940 2538
Public relations arrangement (Zimbabwe)
Debra believes
Tel: +263 77802131
IH Securities (Private) Limited (VFEX Shepherd – Zimbabwe)
Lloyd Mlochua
Phone: +263 (242) 745 119/33/39

The current and previous departments of Mr. Beers and other issues required to notify them in accordance with paragraph (g) of Table 2 of the target rules

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Here are the names of all companies and partnerships that Mr. Buys was a manager or partner at any time in the previous five years.

a company condition
Channel management services PTY LTD former
Pty Ltd Mining Channels former
Hammersley Explography Pty Ltd former
Hammersley Hms Pty Ltd former
Hammersley Iron Pty Ltd former
Hammersley Iron – Yandi Pty Ltd former
Hammersley Holdings Ltd former
Hammersley Wa Pty Ltd former
Mount Bruce Mining Pty Ltd former
Pilbara Iron (Services) Pty Ltd former
Pilbara Iron Pty Ltd former
We hope a joint project former
Nunavut Iron Ore, Inc. former
Arcelormtal Mines Mary River Bowressing Inc. former
Bafinland iron Mines LP former
Bafinland Iron Mines Corporation former
Arceelormtal Liberia Holdings Limited former
Arceelormtal Liberia Ltd former
I am mining former
Arceelormtal Mining UK Limited former

The full name of Mr. Pierce Stefanos buy. 53 years old.

Mr. Buys does not carry any shares or sharing options in the company.

There are no other issues that have been revealed to the company that must be announced according to paragraph (g) of Table 2 of the rules of the target.

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The current and previous departments of Mrs. Goldwasser and other issues required to notify them in accordance with paragraph (g) of Table 2 of the rules of the target

Here are the names of all companies and partnerships that Ms. Goldwasser was a manager or partner at any time during the previous five years.

a company condition
Jonathan Bluzik Foundation and the Leslie Goldser Family Foundation present
Petsi Ross, owner of LLC present
Zara's center Trust present
Greenledge Holdings LLC present
Greesdledge UK Holdings Limited present
Tiptree Inc. present
Miami Beach classic music festival present
Liquid communications (Jersey) is limited present
Women Photographers Archive, Inc. present
Maxex LLC former
Fintech Acquisition Corp. 5 former
FTAC Parnassus Councition Corp. former

The full name of the lady Goldwasser is Lesley Dana Goldwasser Plutzik. 63 years old.

MS Goldwasser does not carry any shares or sharing options in the company.

There are no other issues that have been revealed to the company that must be announced according to paragraph (g) of Table 2 of the rules of the target.

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