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ChatGPT makes it easier for remote workers to do multiple full-time jobs


If you are managing remote workers, how do you know that they are only working for you? In a survey conducted by job site Monster earlier this year, 37% of respondents said they have more than one full-time job. being “overworked“By choosing, it became easier when the pandemic normalized remote work.

Now add to the mix ChatGPT and its ilk, which can make many functions much easier to perform. For remote workers who have embraced redundancy, these AI tools could enable them to not just do two jobs, but to do both with time remaining — or even do three or four jobs, if they’re willing to increase the risk of burnout or getting caught.

this is already happening, according to Vice report this week. The post said it has spoken to several workers who hold two to four full-time jobs with the help of AI tools, with their real names withheld for obvious reasons. luck The reports cannot be independently verified.

According to Vice, an unemployed community member is using ChatGPT to do two jobs and hopes to add a third, increasing his wages from $500,000 to $800,000. He considers himself part of the FIRE (“Financial Independence, Retire Early”) movement and is not yet 30.

The report stated that a tech worker in Ohio increased his jobs from two to four after he started taking advantage of ChatGPT.

It is unclear how many workers may use AI tools to increase employment, but there is no doubt that these tools can significantly reduce the time required to complete tasks.

Last month, Ethan Mullick, a professor of management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, decided to find out for himself. Gave 30 minutes to ChatGPT, GPT-4, MidJourney and other “generative AI” tools to work on a business project. The results were “miraculous”, he explained, adding that it would have needed a team and “maybe days of work” to do all the work that the AI ​​did in half an hour.

It seems logical that some members of the redundant community would take advantage of these capabilities.

Managers of remote workers are often concerned that the task is completed by a certain time and do not monitor activities closely. “You say to someone, ‘Look, you have to get this done by noon next Friday. “You don’t really care when they do it…as long as it’s done,” Shark tank star Kevin O’Leary said last month.

Of course, companies and their investors will eventually adapt to the new reality.

“It’s not very clear to me how to start a company anymore,” says venture capitalist Chamath Palihapitiya. said this week In the All-In-One podcast in a discussion about the rapid expansion of AI capabilities. “I don’t see why you would have a company of 40 or 50 people to try to reach MVP (miniumum viable product). I think you could do it with three or four people.”

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