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China's Communist Party central committee adopts resolution on further deepening reforms

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  • Adoption of a resolution on further deepening comprehensive reform
  • Reform should be placed in a more prominent position consciously.
  • The reform tasks set out in this resolution must be completed by 2029.
  • Necessary measures will be implemented to prevent and mitigate risks in key areas such as real estate, local government debt, and small and medium-sized financial institutions.
  • It will raise the level of the Party’s leadership in deepening reforms in all fields and promoting Chinese-style modernization.
  • To further coordinate reforms in key areas such as finance and taxation.
  • To deepen the reform of the foreign trade system
  • Implement the social security risk prevention and control network, and effectively maintain social stability
  • To deepen the reform of the foreign and domestic investment management system
  • Supply-side structural reform will be deepened, and new growth drivers will be created and developed.

This article was written by Justin Low on

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