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Extreme heat and humidity are causing 47,000 deaths across Europe—here’s what it does to the human body


The two hottest days in the world On the record It happened in July and is scheduled to be in 2024. hottest year neverMore heat waves. frequentwas more severe, and often reached before expected dateThe humidity factor and extreme weather really test the limits of the human body. More than 1300 people died During the Hajj season in Saudi Arabia in June, temperatures reached around 52 degrees Celsius (126 degrees Fahrenheit), while heat-related deaths occurred. It has also been recorded. This year in places like the United States, Thailand, India, Mexico. and parts of Europe – where high temperatures have contributed to More than 47,000 deaths In 2023 – Stay alert for more extreme conditions this summer.

What makes extreme heat so dangerous?

there Many reasonsPeople are more likely to become dehydrated in high temperatures, increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Heat can worsen breathing problems, especially in places with high levels of pollution. Heat stress makes it harder for people to work and increases the risk of stroke. Possibility of injuryIt’s hard to know exactly how many people die from heat each year; most die from heat exhaustion. It is not counted.Europe is likely to see 61,672 heat-related deaths in 2022, although this figure may underestimate the actual death toll. According to According to a study by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, emerging economies suffer more than advanced ones, as they tend to get less sun; most people work outside and few have effective cooling at home. Concrete and asphalt in urban areas can trap heat, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Night temperatures And contribute to heat stress. slim and the elderly Studies have found that the population is most affected by extremely hot weather.

How is extreme heat measured?

The Predictors They increasingly use measures of heat stress and discomfort – such as HumedexRising temperatures can lead to a rise in temperature, known as the heat index or apparent temperature—to understand the health risks posed by high temperatures. One such measure is the “humidity index.” It measures the effects of humidity, which makes it harder for the human body to cool itself by sweating. For example, a temperature of 42°C with 40% humidity—as in Phoenix, Arizona, in July—is about 30°C. A lower temperature, say 38°C, but with a higher humidity of 80%, is about 35°C. That’s high enough to trigger heatstroke even in healthy people with unlimited shade and water, and it has happened. It started to appear In coastal subtropical areas. In fact, shade and water are often limited, and heat can kill at much lower temperatures. Study conducted in 2020 A study published in Science magazine found that areas affected by heat waves in Europe in 2003 and Russia in 2010, which proved deadly for thousands of people, did not experience wet-bulb temperatures above 28 degrees Celsius.

How is wet bulb temperature measured?

Originally, scientists wrapped a wet cloth around a thermometer bulb. They recorded the temperature after the moisture evaporated, much the same way the body cools itself by sweating. Now, humidity bulb temperatures are measured using electronic instruments at weather stations, with more studies of hot spots using satellite data from sources including NASA and the International Space Station. The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has also developed a temperature measuring instrument. tool To predict a more advanced measure of heat stress, the wet-bulb temperature, which takes into account wind speed, sun angle, and cloud cover.

Where is the problem?

Traditionally, heat and humidity have been highest in South Asia and subtropical climates. Some places in India have recorded temperatures above 32°C; the United Nations predicts that India will be one of the first countries to exceed 35°C. Global warming and its impact on climate El Nino weather pattern That means there’s a good chance of record-breaking temperatures and humidity this year in a range of regions along the equator, including Florida, Texas, most of Africa, India, Australia, and Central and South America. According to To the University of California, Berkeley. Increasingly, temperate places are experiencing extremely hot days. set a record The temperature reached 40.3°C in July 2022, although relatively low humidity kept the wet bulb temperature around 25°C. Barcelona saw hottest day ever In late July, the World Meteorological Organization said heat alerts in the United States covered about half the population on August 1. Japan, Greece, Hungary, Croatia It was among the countries that experienced the hottest July on record.

What is the economic impact of heat?

In places where temperatures rise dramatically, every aspect of life becomes more difficult, and inequalities become more acute, especially in cities. But Even the coldest places feel the effects.usually through higher food and energy prices. Coffee prices have risen this year to Highest level in 45 years Persistent heat and drought have also exacerbated a supply squeeze in Vietnam, the world’s largest robusta producer. Dry conditions in Russia this year have prompted analysts to cut wheat production forecasts, and supplies of crops including rapeseed and chickpeas remain vulnerable to the heat. Previous El Niño events have depressed demand for wheat. Significant impact on global inflationNatural gas prices have also risen this summer as Egypt’s energy crisis worsens, with the country, a major exporter of the fuel, turning to liquefied natural gas amid rising demand. Heat is also exacerbating the energy crisis. droughtwhich adds more pressure to Hydroelectric power and Nuclear energy Production. Extreme temperatures pose an increasing threat to outdoor activities, disrupting events including ConcertsReligious gatherings and sporting events.

How is extreme heat related to climate change?

A new branch of science, Extreme event proportionsGlobal warming is linked to extreme weather events with some degree of specificity. Heat waves are directly linked to greenhouse gas pollution. And heat, along with drought and wind, fuels wildfires, which is why scientists are now confident that climate change is worsening wildfires in the western United States, Australia, and elsewhere. (The U.S. wildfire season is the 2015 wildfire season.) Two months longer (Global temperatures are lower than they were in the 1970s and 1980s.) Global warming is causing Tropical cyclones — Also called hurricanes or tropical cyclones — they are more intense. Warmer waters and more humid air — both results of global warming — provide additional fuel for such storms, such as Record-breaking Hurricane Beryl In July, a heat wave hit parts of the Caribbean and the United States. In India and Pakistan, temperatures are soaring. 30 times more likely Due to climate change.

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