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Google launches new cybersecurity training to help UK businesses growing demand for cyber support

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Google has announced that it is launching new cybersecurity training to equip people with the skills to start a career in this sector and to help companies mitigate cybersecurity risks.

new google Professional Certificate in Cyber ​​Security It addresses the growing cyber security skills gap in the UK by providing a low cost and accessible way for people to acquire the entry level skills required to help fill critical roles in the field of cyber security. Online courses can be completed in as little as six months of part-time study – no prior experience required. The course teaches people to identify common cyber risks, threats, and vulnerabilities, and techniques to mitigate them.

Lack of digital skills and cyber security concerns are both listed among the most important digitization barriers for SMEs. Research from Kantar shows that 43% of small and medium businesses (SMEs) surveyed were unable to hire cyber security support due to a lack of specialists or difficulty in attracting, retaining, or hiring cyber security experts. that analysis The number of job vacancies in Britain between January 2022 and January 2023 shows a 59% increase in the number of cybersecurity roles advertised, with nearly 70,000 unique positions advertised over that period.

Training and upskilling are key to mitigating cyber security attack risks. Modeling from the audience first It shows that the UK can mitigate £3 billion worth of cyber security risks by deploying artificial intelligence and upskilling people and businesses. DSIT’s Cybersecurity Breach Survey It found that nearly a third (32%) of UK businesses reported a cyberattack in 2022.

Course completers will gain hands-on experience using Python, Linux and a range of security software including Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools and will gain the qualifications to launch a career in cybersecurity.

Google orgGoogle, the philanthropic arm of Google, has also launched a cyber security fund to help build a diverse pool of talent for the cyber security sector in Europe and the UK. Google org It awards $1 million funding to INCO and Women For Cyber ​​to offer scholarships to women in the UK and Europe from low socio-economic backgrounds to access Certification of Employment in Cyber ​​Security and tailored comprehensive support including mentoring, peer groups and job interview preparation.

Debbie Weinstein, Vice President and Managing Director of Google UK and Ireland, said: “The UK’s digital skills gap, and the lack of cybersecurity experts specifically, threatens to impede future progress. Both a lack of digital skills and cybersecurity concerns are listed as the most important barriers “Digitalization for SMEs. That’s why we’re launching Google’s new Cyber ​​Security Employment Certificate to equip Britons with the job readiness skills needed to fill roles in this high-growth sector, and to give more companies the expertise to safeguard future economic growth.”

The Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology, Viscount Camrose, said:

“Staying at the forefront of cyber security is critical to unlocking the benefits that technology has to offer. The UK has already demonstrated leadership by implementing our world’s first product security system, and to keep up with this ambition it is essential that UK businesses have access to The talent it needs to keep its systems secure.

“It is a huge vote of confidence to see global technology companies such as Google continue their commitment to the UK, particularly as we work together to build cyber security skills. Opening up new job opportunities for British workers is an important step in building a highly skilled and diverse workforce to protect our economy.”

Specifically for small businesses, Google is also partnering with NCSC to offer free online business security training to small and medium businesses to familiarize small business owners with the basics of cybersecurity. The new training program – “Improve the security of your business on the Internet”– Takes one hour to complete and is available either online or in person at Google Academy events nationwide.

“Cybercriminals are a challenge for all organizations, but we know that they increasingly view small businesses as attractive targets,” said Sarah Lyons, National Cyber ​​Security Center’s deputy director for economics and society. “Successful attacks can be devastating to businesses, causing huge levels of damage.” From crashing operations and in the worst case scenario shutting them down completely.

“I strongly encourage small business owners to explore this new training program – and other NCSC resources – to strengthen their defenses and keep cybercriminals out of their businesses.”

Both the Cyber ​​Security Employment Certification and Cyber ​​Security Training Program for SMEs were created in partnership with Google’s own in-house “white hat” hackers featured in the Cyber ​​Security series, Google hacking. The series discusses the skills the team uses to protect a technology company from cyberattacks.

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