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How can construction site managers ensure crew safety?


For the site manager, the main concern is ensuring the safety of the crew. Construction sites remain one of the most dangerous working environments in the modern era, and it is essential that managers are able to calculate and understand the scale of risk.

Fortunately, we now have access to a much wider range of tools and solutions than ever before. From sourcing the right PPE for the crew to providing in-depth safety training, these are some important ways to work to ensure crew safety.

Personal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment is one of the most important elements of crew safety in all construction settings. The type of personal protective equipment required depends on the hazards present at the work site and the hazards faced by individual workers in their specific role.

It is important to ensure that personal protective equipment is of high quality. Whether it’s a particle filter for people digging in stone, or gloves for everyday workers, you can’t compromise on quality and effectiveness.

Create stable paths

With larger construction sites – especially those large enough to need large amounts of building supplies moved daily – a network of stable paths is required.

You can rent standard methods from companies such as Davis track rentalwhich is designed to provide a stable path for vehicles and pedestrians and to protect the ground underneath.

Getting the track right can be especially important on job sites where the ground is unstable and sensitive, such as on rural construction sites.

risk assessment

The practical measures described above are great examples of worksite hazard solutions, but the hazards must first be identified. For construction site managers, this means taking the risk assessment process seriously.

the next Health, safety and environmental guidelinesReview every process, piece of equipment, and project you expect to have on the job site. Try to understand the different risks each of these risks pose, and work to find the best risk mitigation strategies based on those risks that can be identified.

Staff training

Finally, it’s important to not rely solely on technology and equipment to keep your crew safe. Arguably the most important aspect of safety on construction sites is providing safety training. This should cover everything from how to use hazardous machinery properly to how to sound the alarm in the event of a dangerous chemical leak.

This training must be closely related to the actual hazards present at the worksite and will require regular updates as well as refreshers for employees and employers. In some cases, training may only be required every 12 months or more, and an accurate record must be kept on behalf of workers to ensure they are up to date.

Crew safety should be an essential part of the site planning process, from the beginning. It will determine how to proceed, with many aspects – such as track leasing and staff training, before the project start date.

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