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How employers can support staff going through menopause


More and more employers are taking action to support employees going through menopause.

This is due in part to high-profile campaigning from labor unions and celebrities; This is also because menopause affects so much of the workforce that it becomes impossible to ignore.

In fact, there are around 13 million people who are perimenopausal or in menopause in the UK, equating to a third of the total female population in the UK. But it’s important not to fall into the trap of thinking that menopause only affects older female employees.

This problem affects a wide range of the workforce in terms of age because a person may experience early menopause, medically induced (temporary) menopause, or surgical menopause. In addition, the problem also affects transgender and non-binary employees.

Many employees are unfortunately silent about their menopausal experiences. In part, this is due to a fear of ageism and of losing their job or status if they admit to some of the common consequences of menopause, including brain fog and hot flashes.

The cost of menopause for business and the economy

Women over 50 are the fastest growing group in the workforce, many of them highly skilled and at the peak of their careers.

Research conducted by the CIPD Institute in 2021 found that six out of ten working women experiencing menopause said it negatively affected them at work. In addition, one in ten women quit their job due to menopausal symptoms, while one in five women do not seek the promotion they deserve due to the loss of confidence associated with the menopausal transition. Thus, there are potential side effects on the gender pay gap, the pension gap and the number of women in senior leadership positions.

legal position

Menopause is not a ‘protected characteristic’ in the Equality Act 2010. Earlier this year, the government confirmed it would not make any changes to the law, and menopause would not become a new ‘protected property’, which is disappointing for those who campaigned for Order this change. The government believes that the existing protected characteristics of sex, age and disability do protect against discrimination and harassment due to menopause.

What are my legal duties as an employer?

Employers have a legal duty to prevent workplace discrimination and harassment. Employers also have a duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees and assess risks in the workplace. If the individual has a disability, an obligation to make reasonable adjustments may arise.

How can I best support employees going through menopause?

Many responsible employers are already taking steps to break taboos and support employees going through menopause by encouraging open conversations, covering menopause during inductions and designating workplace menopause champions. Others have implemented a menopause policy and held regular training sessions to educate employees. Employers may also consider modifying sickness policies to address absences related to menopause.

For example, policies that have “triggering points” (when several short-term absences result in a performance review or disciplinary action) have a particular impact on employees in the menopausal period.

Other proactive approaches could include creating informal support networks such as menopause cafés and flagging more support for those with debilitating symptoms.

Some employers already provide access to menopause clinics and app-based services. Other measures may include more flexible work, such as changing shift patterns and changing start times.

Employers can also improve the work environment for people going through menopause. These measures can include providing access to fans and good ventilation to help combat hot flashes, the ability to control workplace temperature and making adjustments to staff uniforms that may cause discomfort.

Extensive guidance for employers is available from organizations including ACAS, CIPD, Over the Bloody Moon, Menopause Support and Menopause Matters UK.

There are many benefits for employers in taking a more proactive approach to menopause. By promoting safer and more equitable workplaces for people who work through menopause, employers are more likely to retain the talents of experienced and skilled workers while boosting morale and well-being in their team.

Hannah Waterman

Hannah Waterworth is an employment attorney with Blake Morgan’s Employment, Pensions, Benefits and Immigration team.

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