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How To Create A Coin Like XRP And Get Rich: Expert


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For weeks, Ripple’s XRP was rupture, as she broke the main price measures that allowed her to unite her position as one of the biggest encryption in this field. During most of the year 2024, XRP was on a side movement, as it was traded at a level of $ 0.50. But then Trump happened and the American elections, and XRP became one of the best digital assets in this field.

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As one of the highest performance assets, Xrp She caught the attention of some market analysts and commentators. Sony Rajat, a pioneering financial expert, presented a sarcastic experience on XRP and how holders can join the rush and become rich. Sony’s publication created a mixture of fun and rejected responses from the encryption community.

But there is one certain thing: only the most prominent SONI tactics and strategies used by marketers to exploit the market and generate revenues at the expense of encryption players who lack experience.

Get rich with Ripple’s XRP?

How can one rich Cross currencies Like XRP? Soni calculated the roads in his comic book on Altcoin, which was shared on Twitter/X. Specifically, Sony has included nine steps to quickly get rich with XRP.

According to Soni, the first step is to create a currency from thin air and marketing the product strongly (XRP). The next step is to sell the currency to interested individuals who want to get a rich. Next, wash the brain of all those who bought the distinctive symbol and tell them that it will rise to $ 100,000 per symbol, and never believe those who reject.

He also participated in the fact that one of the integrated components of the campaign is to feed the holders of lies and attack anyone who says that the origins are a fraud. Finally, the last step is Pull the rug It ends with a wealth.

So, what is the matter with XRP?

Ripple’s XRP has been the subject of criticism and other complaints in the past few years. For most commentators, XRP suffers from a lot of centralization or controlling one entity. Sony is one of the main critics of this project, describing it as a “fraud.” In one of his recent publications on social media, the Ripple code described it as fraudulent, and banks will never use it.

XRP is currently trading at $ 2.88. table: Tradingvief

Sony’s main cow meat with this digital origin is its absence CentralMain advantage for bitcoin and other alkeons. He said that the company dominates nearly half of its supplies, making the distinctive symbol vulnerable to manipulation of the market.

What XRP supporters say about Sony’s satirical function

Sony’s publication received mixed reactions from the community, with some fun responses to the topic. Interestingly, some direct responses to Sony’s satirical participation indicate that some XRP supporters are now immune to these targeted attacks against the project.

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In previous publications, some critics participated with Sony, including Bill Morgan, who called Sony’s “unattended” publications. Panos Mekras, the author of a famous encryption, also struck Sony due to the supposed lack of research, until the 2018 theme is shared on the basics of XRP.

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