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Japan aims to refocus its foreign aid on maritime and economic security and national interests

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Tokyo (AFP) – Japan on Friday agreed to a major revision of its development aid policy to focus on maritime and economic security and its own national interests while helping developing countries navigate complex challenges amid China’s growing global influence.

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The revision of the Pact for Development Cooperation, approved by the cabinet headed by Fumio Kishida, comes two years ago since the last one in 2015, and updates are usually on a 10-year cycle. This underscores a sense of urgency in addressing growing anxiety from China and other global challenges such as the impact of Russia’s war on Ukraine.

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In December, Japan adopted a new National Security Strategy, which sets a goal of doubling defense spending to 43 trillion yen ($310 billion) over the next five years to fund the military buildup. This means that Japan, under already tight fiscal conditions, should use development aid more effectively and strategically.

Under the new security strategy, Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has launched an Official Security Assistance, or OSA, for the militaries of primarily developing countries in the Indo-Pacific region, likely to provide Japanese-made, non-lethal equipment such as radars, antennas and small arms. Patrol boats or infrastructure improvements such as ports.

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Department officials say this differs from assistance under the Development Cooperation Pact, which commits to non-military cooperation and ensures peace and prosperity, with a focus on human security as a “guiding principle”.

The State Department in April secured 571 billion yen ($4.1 billion) in development aid for non-military purposes, and separately 2 billion yen ($15.2 million) to help bolster national security for “like-minded” militaries in the Indo-Pacific.

Under the amended charter, Japan will prioritize measures to combat climate change and the food and energy crisis caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, as well as strengthening maritime security, supply chain resilience, and digital transformation.

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The amended Charter stated that “the international community is at a historic turning point, as it faces complex crises,” referring to the worsening global challenges such as climate change, infectious diseases, serious challenges to a free and open international order, the dangers of fragmentation, and its impact on developing countries.

Growing challenges make development assistance a more important diplomatic tool than ever, at a time when engaging with so-called countries in the Global South as equal partners is key to winning their consensus on vital issues such as Russia’s war on Ukraine, China’s growing assertiveness, and debt, State Department officials said. development issues as well as climate change.

Japan aims to work with recipient countries as equal partners in creating social values ​​to promote a common cycle of growth and a free and open international order based on rules – a vision that Japan promotes alongside the United States and other democracies as a counter to China.

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To do this, Japan may provide development financing for infrastructure projects such as fisheries or tourism on remote islands in the South China Sea or the South Pacific Ocean, officials say.

Many Southeast Asian countries may be anxious to balance their relations with both Japan and China, while trying to get more out of both. The revised charter stresses the importance of working with the private sector and civil society and bringing in new funding as Japan is careful not to put other countries on the spot while building relationships.

Japan also wants to take the lead in setting international rules and guidelines as a donor country based on inclusiveness, transparency and fairness.

Chinese aid donations in Africa and elsewhere have trapped many debt-receiving countries while allowing China access to local ports and other infrastructure.


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