Leadership books to read over the holidays: From how Twitter broke Elon Musk to the 12 habits that the top 1% of leaders have
Forget rocking around the Christmas tree; now it’s about prepping for a kickass 2024. As the corporate world returns from a brief pause, the upcoming year offers an opportune moment for leaders to delve into insightful reading.
Fortune has curated a list of ten recently released and upcoming books to explore in the year ahead, allowing for a valuable balance between professional growth and personal rejuvenation.
Be Useful
In the span of his varied career, Arnold Schwarzenegger has gone from a world-famous bodybuilder to a movie star, to a politician. Now, he’s sharing the seven tools for success he’s learned along the way in Be Useful. Out now.
What it Takes
Sarina Wiegman is one of FIFA’s most decorated female football managers, the current manager of the England women’s national team and a former player. In What is Takes, Wiegman explores her journey to the top of the coaching world, the tough decisions she had to make both on and off the pitch, and her “revolutionary approach to leadership, mentorship, and performance management”. Out now.
Breaking Twitter
New York Times bestselling author Ben Mezrich pulls back the curtains on Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter (now X), including accounts from employees on the ground at Twitter HQ at the time. “Elon Musk didn’t break Twitter. Twitter broke Elon Musk,” the author teases. Out now.
How to be a CEO
Leadership coach Ben Renshaw—who has a roster of very impressive clients including Coca-Cola, Sky, Virgin Media and Warner Bros—has extensively studied CEOs across small to large companies to distill what exactly it takes to become a great CEO. Out now.
Lessons for Living
Off the back of his Netflix debut, psychotherapist to the stars Phil Stutz has penned Lessons for Living, a collection of 30 short essays that present solutions to life’s biggest personal adversities like rising above envy and overcoming insecurities. Out now.
Hidden Potential
Adam Grant, the author of New York Times bestseller Think Again is back with a guide on realizing your potential. Tennis icon Serena Williams said the book “will shatter your assumptions about what it takes to improve and succeed” while adding that she wishes she could gift it to her younger self. Out now.
The Money Kings
In 1837, Joseph Seligman arrived in the United States with the equivalent of $100 sewn into the lining of his pants before founding the prominent investment bank J. & W. Seligman & Co. Then came the Lehman brothers and Goldman Sachs. The Money Kings by Daniel Schulman tells the story of the Jewish Immigrants who fled Germany and transformed Wall Street. Out Now.
Sideline CEO
ESPN’s Marty Smith long-time correspondent has interviewed some of America’s top sports coaches including football coach Nick Saban and Doc Rivers former basketballer and coach to find the leadership lessons that transcend beyond the field and into the boardroom for Sideline CEO. Out now.
Be The Unicorn
Ever wondered what separates the best leaders from the bulk of the management? William Vanderbloemen, the founder and CEO of Vanderbloemen Search Group has studied 30,000 leaders and boiled down the 12 habits that the top 1% have. Out now.
The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking
Acclaimed business professor and author behind the bestselling book, The First 90 Days, Michael D. Watkins is back with another leadership guide – this time, Watkins has provided a framework to help executives think more strategically by following the tried and tested model of successful first-time CEOs. Out January 9 2024.