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Profiling web3 gamers can help blockchain become mainstream

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Disclosure: The opinions and ideas expressed here belong solely to the author and do not represent the opinions and views of the editorial board.

What is a “gamer”? Is it a teenager who enjoys playing battle royales? Is it a hardcore gamer who enjoys an indie game? Is it someone who plays Candy Crush Saga? The truth is, there is no single definition. Most people play video games in one way or another, and they fall into a wide range of categories. Things have changed a lot since Richard Bartle came up with the original classification of gamer types in 1996.

Some attempts have been made to categorize the Web 3 players in the same way that the major players have been categorized, In particular In Navik 9 Types of Blockchain Players In 2021, the audience for Web3 games is smaller than we expected in those heady days, and that’s only natural. It’s time to refocus and understand who we’re targeting now and what motivates them, which will make it easier to integrate key players and create sustainable gaming economies.

Well, let me introduce you to our core group of Web 3 players.


The Grinder wants to see the numbers go up and will work hard to make it happen. Think of that loyal friend you had with you in Runescape back in the day or World of Warcraft. Monster You desperately want him by your side on every raid.

The incredible level of dedication this player has is essential to the health of the game. They may be ideologically opposed to spending money, but they will engage with the game mechanics in ways that educate the rest of the player base, and their commitment of time will create a strong community within the game systems.

The mill shows the path, and the other players follow it.

The Improver

Profiling Web3 Gamers Could Help Make Blockchain Mainstream | Opinion - 2

The Optimizer sits between the mill and the beaters. Instead of working long hours to maximize production or making large purchases to maximize potential profit, this player is maximizing the efficiency of his time. If the mill is a WoW fan, the Optimizer is enjoying the game. Promotions They’ve earned it by making their last run in a Roguelike game like Hades, climbing the ladder in Candy Crush, or even having a better time than their friends at the New York Times Mini Crossword.

Unlike regular gamers, they are happy to spend a little money in order to earn more, such as buying a card that improves their competitive deck so they can win more matches. By playing games like a regular gamer would, this type of Web3 gamer is key to facilitating the liquidity and sustainability of gaming economies.


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This player loves web 3 games. The evangelist wants to see web 3 games succeed at any cost and will do his best. an effort To spread the word. If a friend is desperately trying to convince you to join a million Discord servers or join them on a recent web3 release, you’ve met an evangelist.

The benefits of this profile are clear. The evangelist often leads community building efforts and supports the development team with a tenacity rarely seen in mainstream games. As a bridge between traditional gaming communities and the emerging Web3 space, no one does it like the evangelist.


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The explorer is driven more by curiosity than by calling, like a person trying to get out A game they saw on Instagram just because it looked cool. They’re digital natives, they understand the excitement surrounding blockchain and Web 3 gaming, and they want to know more about what all the hype is about.

This is an example of a novice web3 player bringing new perspectives and ideas to the web3 gaming space. We can learn a lot from the explorer; in fact, they are arguably the most important character in web3 gaming. If the explorer fails to navigate the in-game process or quickly exits the game itself, the average consumer is unlikely to perform any better. On the other hand, the more explorers web3 can attract and engage, the more new and curious players will jump into the game.

The speculator

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The speculator seeks to make financial profit through the web3 game. This individual seeks to gain early experience in the web3 game, which can be significant, allowing him to achieve a return on his investment in the game. Entering early to purchase assets and currencies within the game is his source of livelihood.

Blockchain skeptics might argue that a player like speculators is unimportant or even unwelcome in the gaming community. While it’s true that a player base made up of 100% speculators is unsustainable, there is a role for speculators now and in the future. By investing in game projects early on, speculators literally fund the development of the game itself and can help drive a lot of attention to high-potential titles. While they will likely eventually cash out of the game, there is room for speculators of all kinds in Web3 games.

Web3 gaming in 2021 hasn’t been what commentators expected. Again, that’s okay. High-quality games and well-designed economies take time, and now we have a clearer picture of who Web3 players are and what motivates them.

Games can be more than just “fun.” Even the BAFTA Awards he have The “Game Beyond Entertainment” award category prioritizes factors beyond gameplay enjoyment and technical quality. So why is there such a level of snobbery when it comes to Web 3 games that bring more motivation to the game? Is there a difference between motivation and fun? Who are we to tell people that what they find fun isn’t actually fun?

By focusing on nurturing a strong mix of player profiles currently available, web3 games can create a positive and productive environment for mainstream audiences to cross over and find belonging in the ecosystems we have created.

Canaan Linder

Canaan Linder

Canaan Linder Canaan has been at the forefront of blockchain gaming as CEO of Stardust since 2018. An engineer at heart, Canaan founded Stardust with a simple mission: to make game developers more successful on web3. Stardust has partnered with some of the biggest web3-based games like Midnight Society and web2 mobile publisher Tilting Point. Canaan’s vision and leadership continues to redefine the gaming landscape, ensuring that through Stardust, the fusion of creativity and technology empowers game developers to unlock new horizons of potential in the ever-evolving world of web3 gaming.

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