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Rheinmetall unveils launcher for UVision’s loitering munitions

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German defense giant Rheinmetall has unveiled a container launcher for the Hero loitering munitions system developed by an Israeli company. Euvision AirIts headquarters are in Tzur Yigal. The War Zone reported that Rheinmetall's modified shipping container contains 126 launch cells for UVision loitering munitions.

Warzone says the 126 launch cells are divided into three distinct arrays of 42 cells, suggesting a modular, scalable system that can be adapted to 10-, 20- and 40-foot containers.

Rheinmetall's innovative launch platform improves this field for three main reasons. Firstly, it intensifies swarm attack options, as a large amount of loitering munitions is released to hit the target, causing serious difficulties for air defense systems. The only technology that seems financially feasible to shoot down drones on a large scale, but is still relatively in its infancy, is microwaves. This non-kinetic electromagnetic attack means using microwaves to disable critical electronic components of enemy offensive weapons, including swarms of drones, which can be shot down together in a single interceptor group.

Two other essential advantages of launching from a interconnected container are multiplatform and the ability to camouflage. It is possible to launch from the container from the platform of land and sea platforms and from an offshore platform. Since containers account for 80% of global maritime trade, it will be very difficult to locate a launching pad.

Strategic agreement between UVvision and Rheinmetall

The film “The War Zone” indicates that Rheinmetall and Uvision signed a strategic cooperation agreement in 2021 under which some loitering munitions will be produced by RWM Italy, a subsidiary of the Italian company Rheinmetall.

UVvision has boomed recently in terms of foreign deals despite the need to supply the Israeli army during the war and attempts to delegitimize Israel abroad. Earlier this month, it was reported that UVision signed a $73.5 million deal with US company Mistral to supply loitering munitions to US Special Operations Command (US SOCOM).

UVision will not manufacture loitering munitions for US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) in Israel, but at a factory it opened in South Carolina in March in cooperation with the US company SAIC. This makes the supply chain much easier, and allows transactions to be recorded as US transactions within UVision USA.

The contract, which will be extended until 2029, covers the Hero-120SF loitering ammunition system, spare parts, engineering change proposals and training. The selection of this loitering munition could be an indicator of US military objectives and Washington's threat perception, because it is designed to hit tanks and other armored vehicles at a medium distance.

Not a lot of information is available about the 120SF, but it is based on UVision's Hero 120, and carries a 4.5 kg warhead. It has a range of 60 kilometers, and can remain in the air for up to 60 minutes. According to the company, the Hero 120 can operate autonomously, meaning it can identify the target and attack it itself.

Published by Globes, Israel Business News – – on June 18, 2024.

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