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Sky Zero Footprint Fund returns in 2025 with bigger prizes to supercharge sustainability


Sky Media confirmed that the Sky Zero Sotprint box will return in 2025 with an extensive coordination designed to create meaningful environmental progress through the advertisement.

After a year break to improve the initiative, the Sky Advertising arm is offered two million pounds in media support for brands and institutions at the forefront of sustainability – which leads to its total commitment to 8 million pounds since the launch of the fund in 2021.

In this new repetition, the box is away from one structure and instead contains three categories – from provinces, stimuli and heroes – focusing on different types of organizations that look forward to an environmental impact. Disruptors will include competing brands with new ideas, while stimuli will provide support for charities and non -profit organizations that often struggle to show measuable results. The heroes will invite well -known brands to take a leading role in the national sustainability talks and help pushing environmental work to the forefront.

Sarah Jones, Director of Planning at Sky Media, stressed the broader access to the fund this year, saying that the goal is to “put a sustainability in the foreground and the middle of a wide range of brands, enabling a variety of organizations-from leading startups to influential home names-with more sustainable bold steps.” The issue of 2025 also includes a committee of expert judges from the worlds of sustainability, advertising and media, who will evaluate entries based on their ability to push positive environmental change.

The former winners have shown how effective the fund is to raise awareness. GRUB Club was awarded the Grand Prix in 2023 for the concept of insect -based pets, which was called the co -founder Alessandro Di Trapani named Game Changer. According to Di Trapani, “Winning with the Sky Zero Tointprint box was a change in Grub Club. The process was an incredible experience, from improving our brand message to filming our first TV advertisement at all. The Grub Club club has put in front of millions of pet owners all over the United Kingdom, which prompted awareness and credibility in a way that was impossible to trade in a brand in An early stage.

Entrance instructions for the Sky Zero StowPrint 2025 will be published deadline for the presentations will open in early March. More details will be announced about the jury and specific criteria will be announced soon. The successful applicants will not only gain great exposure, but also have an opportunity to win additional funding through the Grand Prix, a testimony to the continuous Sky Media commitment to encourage environmental responsibility.

Jimmy Young

Jimmy is a major business correspondent, as he brings more than a decade of experience in the commercial reports of small and medium -sized companies in the United Kingdom. Jimmy holds a certificate in business administration and regularly participates in industrial conferences and workshops. When not reporting the latest business developments, Jimmy is excited to direct journalists and new businessmen to inspire the next generation of business leaders.

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