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The FAIR Act Would Protect Bitcoin Holders


A few weeks ago, it briefly touched on how to apply the confiscation of civil assets to Bitcoin, a process on which the government may take over the citizen’s assets without accusing a person of a crime. With the United States government stating that the confiscation of civil assets will form a major column in building a strategic Bitcoin reserve, the law to restore the safety of the fifth amendment of 2023, also known as the name Fair workIt can be said that it is the most important draft law presented in Congress today to protect bitcoin holders from widespread governmental transcendence. Without this, many may see that bitcoin has been seized and confiscated on behalf of the reserve with a little asylum.

A long time ago, the confiscation of civil assets is said to need radical reform. Throughout the country, countries Be famous To abuse the process to enrich their law enforcement agencies, which may suit the collected money. From the police that seized the vehicle of the veterans in Vietnam for its work as a “container” of marijuana, or trying to provide a man's savings in life due to the violation of the seat belt, the confiscation of civil assets is “one of the most violations of power in the country today,” according to Justice Institute.

The confiscation of civil assets is especially formed because the process creates a financial incentive for law enforcement to lose citizen property to the government without the due legal procedures. I mentioned By Aclu. Especially in light of Bitcoin's scarcity and its estimate of value over time, this financial incentive is exacerbated only when applying the confiscation of civil assets to build a strategic Bitcoin reserve.

To protect citizens from the abuse of civil assets, the fair law of 2023, which was Recalin in 2024 Participation in its sponsorship of Senator Lomes, among other things, aims to review the federal laws that govern the process to ensure that the procedures for confiscating civil assets follow legal procedures as ruled by the fifth amendment.

First, he does this by raising the level of evidence from the “dominance” of the evidence – this means that the party's demand is somewhat correct – to remove convincing evidence, and to increase the burden of evidence that the government must provide to impose confiscation.

Through a fair act, enforcement agencies must prove that there is a great link between property and crime, as well as that the owner who matters to any interest in the seized property used the property with the intention of facilitating crime, or agreed to intentional or was blind to use the property by the crime. This is the most important aspect of law as it applies to Bitcoin.

Currently, the government can seize the legally acquired bitcoin if UTXO itself is used, for example, previously in evading sanctions or touched the DarkNet market; Regardless of whether its owner is familiar with the history of the currency when obtaining it. By submitting active approval and deliberate blindness, the fair act was due to the owner of the Bitcoin that was lost was aware of the acquired BTC assets to provide confiscation.

A fair law also requires the government to appoint a lawyer for real estate owners who cannot obtain financial representation, or if the cost of obtaining representation exceeds the value of the seized property – an issue that prevents many from competing for the confiscation of assets in the first place, as the accuracy of civil assets effectively reflects the burden of evidence. Currently to restore your property, you need to prove the government's mistake instead of the government to file a case against you.

“Civil assets are confiscated to enforce federal law to seize the property of Americans who have not even been accused of committing or convicting a crime,” He said Senator Booker, who submitted the bill with Senator Rand Paul. “Under this system, the police can keep money, cars and even homes based on mere doubts about a crime. These losses often become a profit for law enforcement because the burden is on the property owner to prove that they must regain their property.”

“The government should never have the power to seize the person’s property without due legal procedures. However, according to the laws of confiscation of current civil assets, Americans are stripped of their property without being charged or convicted of a crime. The fair act addresses this injustice directly and is a crucial step towards restoring fairness and accountability, protecting the rights of real estate owners, and establishing a weapon for the civil law Once.

If you are rooted for the strategic bitcoin reserves, the just law passing must be a prerequisite for its establishment to ensure that the government's Bitcoin's pile does not build on the abuse of its powers.

This is a guest post by L0la L33tz. The opinions that are expressed are completely property and do not necessarily reflect the views of BTC Inc or Magazine Bitcoin.

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