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The State Of Things: Open Source Developers Arrested For Writing Code

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in view of Charges brought Against Keonne Rodriguez and William Lonergan Hill for allegedly running the Samourai wallet, I think it's important for Bitcoin users to evaluate the current state of things. Much of the discourse around Bitcoin today is merely lip service from state-sponsored hypnotists pushing intelligence-captured infrastructure rails as solutions to scale while manufacturing agrees to transaction oversight and centralization of the treasury within the very private sector enterprises that have profited from economic crises. Manufactured in the world. 21street a century. Toxic extremism in 2024 means encouraging the issuance of USD-denominated stablecoins despite their recent accession to the Secret Service and FBI, just as it means celebrating the arrest of TornadoCash operators simply for being “dirty coins.” This can't happen here, no, not according to the Satoshi Protocol. “Bitcoin is decentralized,” the hypnotists preached, and the ISIS-related issues raised by a small minority of extremists were collectively ignored for more false prophetic sermons simultaneously pushing the hypocritical imminent hyperinflation of the dollar and their dollar currencies as a human rights instrument. .

But this isn't just another op-ed about my disdain for stablecoins. This is a wake-up call. A wake-up call to all of you in Bitcoin to take the high six grains of sand out of your eyes and take a look around. How did we get here? How did we spend the last year arguing about what constitutes spam, and the ethical use of Bitcoin, while completely ignoring the creeping regulatory moat? There was more than enough Signs. The warnings were more than enough. Congress is drafting legislation to further regulate the internet, bill stablecoins, and ban social media apps, as the country continues to redefine what cryptocurrency is in real time.

Bitcoin is a database. Bitcoin is talk. Bitcoin is a token. Bitcoin is not money, and certainly not money subject to US jurisdiction. Compliance hypnotists will tell you that we must ask permission from our local governing offices to embrace Bitcoin. So we can pay our taxes in Bitcoin and service our legal debts. Samourai Wallet was not running a money laundering service, and certainly not a money transfer company. They wrote the code. Code used by users around the world, within countless legal jurisdictions, to exchange certain alphanumeric strings of data over the Internet. The Bitcoin protocol is unable to transfer criminal proceeds between parties since UTXO destruction is a function of each spend. Satoshi does not exist, despite clever claims from both the degenerate Urdinalstan and the regulatory arms of the Department of Justice. They are completely and completely consumed during each transaction, and are reborn with no resemblance to the place where entities applying blockchain heuristics claim to have come.

The United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York alleges that the samurai executed more than “$2 billion in illegal transactions” while facilitating “more than $100 million in money laundering transactions.” This accusation contains a complete misunderstanding — not to mention a simply unconstitutional restatement — of what a Bitcoin transaction is and how our elected officials should handle it. Writing code is not a crime. Even when said code was written for the express purpose of enabling a crime to be committed, the criminal action occurs upon the fulfillment of said intent, not at the beginning of the authorship or even distribution of the code. Code is speech. Code distribution is an expression between pins of bytes that is reduced to bits, ones, and zeros. Any precedent that states anything other than this is a direct violation of the First Amendment and, more than that, against the natural law of free speech that should be clear.

There are a lot of ways the Bitcoin network could spread itself around the world, and how the Bitcoin asset could monetize to astronomical heights without bringing an ounce of freedom to the world's population. Bitcoin has been merely defined by hypnotists to be within the regulatory moat, so Bitcoin is in dire need of redefinition. Bitcoin was never about dollar-denominated value, and it was never about perpetuating the UST market via treasury-backed tokens used by on- and off-ramps. Bitcoin was never intended to embrace the state and enhance the reach and influence of psychopathic criminals obsessed with changing the definition of speech, expression, code and numbers. We sat and watched the accountants take out their red pens and change the meaning of words, slowly making the frogs and their dictionaries boil, while taking shelter under the false pretext of an immutable ledger—a misunderstanding of the legal and rhetorical structure of that ledger itself reshaped at its founding.

Bitcoin is a tool of enablement and Bitcoin is a tool of enemies. Well, now our enemy, the state, is empowered, and the organization's goons are barking like wolves at the gate. We must remain nimble, and arm ourselves with the rhetoric necessary for the coming attack against those who dare to build tools that threaten the spells of the state.

Writing code is not a crime.

Whispering numbers to a loved one cannot be redefined as a criminal act.

Bitcoin is not money, it is just a ledger.


Free samurai.

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