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US Treasury auctions $58B of 3 year notes at a high yield of 3.440%


High yield:3.440%

WI level at auction time: 3.457%

tail: -1.7 bs

  • Average of six auctions: 0.1 basis points

Show Coverage: 2.66X


Direct (local demand measure):11.3%

Indirect (international demand measure):78.24%

Auction Grade: A

details: International buyers were in attendance and outperformed other bidders. International buyers received 78.24%. This was well above the six-month average of 64.7%. As a result, domestic buyers received only 11.3%, well below the six-month average of 18.8%.

International demand was evident from the -1.7bp tail. The tail is the difference between the WI level at auction time and the high yield. This compares very favorably to the +0.1bp tail we have seen over the past six months.

The bid to cover was also stronger at 2.66X versus the average 2.56X.

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