The main indicators fell today, as Electreon continued to slip, apparently due to the BYD advertisement for a new penetration battery.
The main indicators on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange declined today. The Tel Aviv 35 index decreased by 0.51 %, to 2,504.63 points; The Tel Aviv index 125 decreased by 0.93 %, to 2,540.56 points; The Blutech Global Index decreased by 0.94 %, to 460.30 points. The Tel Bond 60 bond index decreased by 0.07 %, to 392.74 points. The total rotation rate of 2.74 billion in shares and 4.18 billion New bonds.
In the foreign exchange market, the SHEKEL-Us Dollar exchange rate was estimated at 0.16 %, at 3.6710/$, and the Shekel-Euro rate is 0.04 %, at 4.0056/€.
ELPIT SYSTEMs led today, 1.40 % decreased. Li -day bank rose 0.10 %; Hapim Bank decreased by 0.52 %; The discount bank decreased 1.40 %; And Mizrahi Tefahot Bank decreased by 0.17 %.
The prominent prosecutors today were Tadran, an increase of 4.21 %; Shikun & Binui, 3.25 % increase; Latif, by 2.86 %. The Electreon chip continues, as it decreased by 11.71 % after 15 % decreased yesterday. The cause of the slide seems to be the advertisement of the Chinese electric car company byd for a new penetration battery that is charged within five minutes for a range of 400 km. Migdal insurance decreased 7.47 %, Bet Shemesh engines decreased by 6.85 %, Israeli shipbuilding basins decreased by 5.62 %, and property and construction decreased by 5 %.
It was published by Globes, Israel Business News – – on March 19, 2025.
© Copy Publish Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. , 2025.
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