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Why AfDB should remain true to its name

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Development institutions are increasingly turning away from the ills associated with poverty such as hunger, infectious diseases and illiteracy – challenges that continue to face most people around the world.

The unholy alliance between environmental activists and climate politicians has pushed them to divert more resources to climate policies, which typically deliver far fewer benefits. It is unfortunate that even the African Development Bank, which met in Nairobi last week, is putting climate policy before fundamental development issues.

President Akinwumi Adesina recently announced that the African Development Bank had set a target of allocating 40 percent of its total financing to climate finance, but it has consistently exceeded that target for three years, with about 55 percent of financing allocated to climate in 2023. That means 55 percent. It will not be spent directly and effectively on poverty. This is the latest evidence of what research has already shown: development finance is being raided for climate spending.

Since the African Development Bank achieves enormous benefits in many of its development policies, this only exacerbates the loss when these policies are replaced by inefficient or ineffective climate programmes.

A recent G20 report called on the African Development Bank, the World Bank and other development organizations to push for additional spending of $3 trillion annually, with most of it directed toward climate policy. Almost as an afterthought, the G20's background report suggests that less money should be allocated to everything else that matters, such as education, health and food. They have it completely backwards.

Across Africa and low- and middle-income countries, five million children die every year before their fifth birthday, and nearly a billion people do not get enough to eat. More than two billion people are forced to cook and keep warm using polluting fuels, such as dung and wood, that shorten their lives.

Although most children are enrolled in school, education is so poor that most learners in low- and middle-income countries will remain functionally illiterate.

Opportunities are particularly constrained by the lack of cheap and abundant energy that has allowed rich countries to develop. In Africa, electricity is so scarce that total per capita consumption is often less than one refrigerator uses. The lack of access to energy hinders industrialization and growth in various sectors. Industrialization and economic growth are not possible without them – case in point, the rich world has on average 530 tractors per 10,000 acres, while poorer parts of Africa have less than one.

The moves by the African Development Bank and other development institutions such as the World Bank to shift more spending to climate projects are deeply misguided. Economic research shows that emissions reduction and adaptation yield low benefits compared to active development policies.

Since its inception, the African Development Bank has been a strong and respected voice for the Global South on the global stage. Rather than joining the chorus of elite activists in rich countries who are prioritizing climate over development, the Bank can use its voice to speak on behalf of those without influence across Africa, and help ensure that more global money is directed first to the most pressing problems of our day. this. .

Moreover, scenarios from the UN Climate Panel show that global average income, especially African average income, will improve dramatically over the next century – and that climate change will not reverse this progress.

The United Nations expects average global income to increase 3.5 times by 2100. The only climate economist to win a Nobel Prize argues that undiluted climate change means income will “only” increase by 3.34 times.

Climate activists say poverty and climate change are closely linked. However, research repeatedly shows that spending on core development priorities would help far more and faster per dollar spent than allocating money to climate issues.

Effective, prioritized development investment can dramatically change people's lives for the better right now – and make the poorest countries more resilient to challenges exacerbated by climate change. By contrast, even radical reductions in emissions will not lead to significantly different outcomes over a generation or more.

Development institutions should not ignore climate change. But it is a problem that will be solved through aggressive investment in research and development projects to make green energy truly competitive with fossil fuels, at a price that even the poorest countries in Africa can afford. Spending huge sums on climate projects in the meantime is ineffective at best, and virtue signaling at worst.

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