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With Insight Honed Since $5 BTC, Tuur Demeester Is Ready For Bitcoin 2023


Tuur Demeester, a macroeconomic analyst who has provided insights into Bitcoin since 2012, will present his unique insight into Bitcoin 2023.

Tuur Demeester has a self-described “out-of-the-box” approach to macroeconomic analysis, an approach that made his insights into Bitcoin’s unprecedented potential sought by institutions (in 2021, Demeester’s Bitcoin alpha Fund Adamant Capital was sold to Blockstream, where he is now an advisor). ) as well as individuals (Demeester is classified as 3rd “Best Bitcoin Twitter Account to Follow” By Hive.One Social Media Analyst).

Combining deep research into historical patterns, a rigorous academic approach and a willingness to embrace new innovation, Demeester’s insight into how Bitcoin fits into our wider world has been remarkable for its consistency and over a decade’s worth of survival.

He first recommended BTC as an investment to his newsletter readers in 2012, when it was priced at $5. In 2013 (with Bitcoin price is around $100), he told Bitcoin Magazine:

“I believe that bitcoin and cryptocurrency are the greatest investment opportunity of our time. First of all, because bitcoin has all the qualities needed to make the perfect money, to a greater extent than any digital or tangible commodity on the planet. Second, unlike traditional fiat money, it is designed to Bitcoin is for the Internet; it is open source, mobile, fast, and allows for personal privacy. Third, as we approach a bankruptcy event in advanced economies, both in banks and in governments, I believe that Bitcoin, as a separate and non-deductible currency, will benefit greatly from the capital flight that will occur.” .

As more people around the world have realized that Demeester is right about this nascent digital currency, his viewpoint has continued to grow. In the introductory note to the historical Adamant paper from 2019, “Bitcoin repairDemeester explained that bitcoin was not just a new type of money, but represented a fundamental shift with few precedents in history.

“In the past, I have drawn parallels between bitcoin and the early petroleum industry, search engine wars, domain name markets, the growth of P2P file sharing, and Internet protocols,” he explained. “But I kept feeling like I was failing to grasp the magnitude of the era in which Bitcoin is acting as a catalyst. It was not until after I had studied the Protestant Reformation that I felt I had found a potential blueprint for sufficient scope.”

Demeester continues to develop one of the most popular perspectives on Bitcoin and is now getting ready to share that perspective at the upcoming Bitcoin 2023 event in Miami.

“I have a new report,”How to deal with the bitcoin boom“Which is a pleasure to talk about in Miami,” he told Bitcoin Magazine in an interview about the event. “I can’t say much about the content at the moment, but rest assured it will be bullish on bitcoin. Overall, my goal has always been to inspire people to think for themselves by providing well-sourced information and perspectives that they haven’t considered before.”

Of course, it is today’s global macroeconomic climate that will produce a lot of compelling bitcoin content at the largest annual event dedicated to showcasing it. And this year is the year that brings some of Demeester’s early insights into Bitcoin to fruition.

“It is difficult to project in the very short term, but my view for 2023 is that QE will re-emerge, and therefore we will see a new rise in inflation, particularly in higher commodity prices,” he said. “This is very bullish for bitcoin, as it is one of the few real inflation hedges out there.”

The event will also be an opportunity to reflect on the progress Bitcoin is making as a technology, regardless of the value of BTC relative to fiat currency or the erosion of the old financial system. With an outlook on the future that has seen many bear and bull cycles, Demeester is optimistic about how the current environment will produce more advanced and resilient Bitcoin projects.

“In bear markets, bitcoin developers, entrepreneurs, politicians, and other players tend to spend their time working on projects because they know that ads — no matter how impressive — will generally see little interest,” Demester said. “I expect a huge amount of exciting announcements in 2023, although I can’t yet predict exactly where they will come from. I expect serious progress in nation-state adoption, in Lightning technology, in bitcoin mining, in using bitcoin as a benchmark for financial performance, and in mortgages Backed by Bitcoin.

Finally, Demeester—a veteran of Bitcoin events, large and small, in bear and bull markets—is looking forward to checking in with the Bitcoin 2023 attendees he’s known throughout his long and expansive career in the space, as well as meeting the new people who will help make this journey into the future.

“I am looking forward to catching up with friends, some of whom I haven’t met in a long time, and of course also getting to know new people,” concluded Demeester. “Bitcoin conferences like Bitcoin 2023 are so much fun because they bring Bitcoin people from all over the world together in one place.”

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